Woman Explains Why 8-Hour Workday is Miserably Outdated, And It Goes Viral
Would you be happier with a less workday?
When you think deeply of a full-time job, you possibly will imagine working 40 hours per week. This doesn’t take into consideration overtime, commute hour, and even a lunch break. Of the truth, working a 40-hour job can feel like it’s taking up the most of your life, and some few individuals tend to feel burnt out continually.
The average eight-hour shift isn’t best for companies either, and just as Emily Ballesteros recently explained, the model for working week, precisely 40 hours, is ridiculously outdated. The 9-5 isn’t necessarily the smartest approach to work, and of course, it’s time organizations begin to adopt a more effective work schedule.

Ballesteros is a burnout management coach, assisting herself and others in finding a work-life balance. When she was working 40-week jobs, the TikToker observed that sometimes 40hours was sufficient in completing the work, but other times, it wasn’t just enough. She believes that the 40hour week is outdated; hence there’s a need for a rethought.

In a now-viral video, Ballesteros revealed how the working model came to be while also recognizing the purpose it had served. The coach cited Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, who she claimed introduced the work-life rule we all follow. She applauded Ford for dividing 24hours into three eight-hour period – eight hours for sleep, eight hours for leisure, and eight hours for work.

Initially, Robert Owen, a Welsh Manufacturer and labor activist, had brought up the concept over 100 years ago for the manufacturing industry. Still, Ballesteros insists the idea no longer applies in today’s world. With advanced technology lingering worldwide, there’s less need to have people work the same hours.

After sharing the clip, TikTok users got quite interested in the subject matter and went on to ask the burnout coach what solution she would recommend. It turned out, Ballesteros does have a couple of solutions that would assist numerous industries. She uploaded an updated video, highlighting two options and why they are worth consideration.
Besides, would you be happier with a less working hour/week?