23 Hysterical Tweets By Married Women That Will Make You Laugh Like Hell
Can’t imagine how much laughter must be going on in their relationship.
Being married to a funny woman is a real blessing. Anyone can agree that a good sense of humor really makes a lot of problems much less stressful. Life is also full of laughter and excitement for them. They also make the funniest tweets out of them all, like the ones we found.
I got asked for nudes.

Can’t wait.

Oh, no, that is not happening.

It’s about screaming skills.

While you’re up.

Now he doesn’t talk to me.

It’s hard work!

Who the hell did I get married to?

On our intimate life.

One slight mistake makes a whole day full of rage.

Flame of attraction.

First husband.

Review on ex-husband.

Don’t wake him up.

Throw pillows are the key.

Our love is still burning bright.

Sneeze level.

It was a joke?

I got this man.

Secret to long-lasting marriage.


Who was he talking to?

Spooning husband.