13 Times Gym Crush Ashley Graham Set The Next Level Standard For Beauty On Instagram
Beauty isn’t just owned by a certain body type.
Back in the day, Victoria’s Secret angels were the ideal beauty standards. But people have quickly realized that they are not realistic and even dangerous for some. Ashley Graham has been among those who fight against these standards. She does not abide by the usual shapes commonly seen on catwalk stages.
The model, who’s also a mother-of-one, is a prominent body positivity advocate who has her own lingerie line. And these posts show how women can be beautiful without relying on editing skills and unrealistically skipping meals for the ideal body shapes.
She slays those blue high heels in the two-piece lingerie she wore in Milan.
Does the cellulite scare you? Oh no, it should be her confidence!

Ashley Graham is looking comfy in this Calvin Klein set!
She walked the New York Fashion Week runway in 2017, and we… couldn’t take our eyes off.
Top Models graduates are different like this.
The only requirement to wearing a bikini should be the ability to laugh happily.
Love yourself raw. Like ‘raw’ raw.
Will you judge her punch based on her body?
Basking in the golden sunlight, the raw beauty of Ashley Graham.
She’s slaying these aerial yoga poses.
You’re at the beach and you see this beauty headed for you. What do you do?
Everybody is bikini body – wear what you want!
This stunning black dress for summer!