Woman Mistakenly Orders Tiny Dog Bed, Dog Pretends Everything Is Okay
Learn for Kenny, he remained grateful!
Have you ever been in this situation before?
Your mom bought you something, turns out you don’t like it, but not to hurt her feelings, you pretended to love it.
The aforementioned was what recently happened to a Twitter User identified as @paetonmathes, whose mom bought a new bed dog for her dog named Kenny.
The tiny dog bed was little on the small side, but Kenny did his best to look thankful by posing with his amazing new gift for a number of obvious awkward photos.
Recently tweeted by Kenny’s Human Sister, the hilarious photos have since garnered over 140K likes and have been shared by 70K internet users and still counting. Accordingly, the adorable furry friend, Kenny has received a brand new bed, one that can fit more than his ass.
The Enduring Doggie should, however, remind us all how to react the very next time we get a crappy new gift from our parents. On the other hand, it’s best to gracefully handle the awkwardness of receiving an unwanted gift and to always remember that thoughts actually counts!
More info: Twitter

Internet Users Reacted To Kenny’s Tiny Bed Story