Woman Hilariously Captured A Cat Watching Fight Between Two Rats
This will chase your boredom right away!
A Singapore-based has captured an amazing nature fight on camera. The clip featuring two rats fighting also has a cat in the scene. Over time, the photos of cats and mice fighting appear normal to a lot of people, especially if you grew up watching the Tom and Jerry cartoon.
But the glance of rats fighting one another is undeniably quite rare. And that’s specifically why Cheez Goz’s video on Facebook is going all viral.
More info: Facebook
‘On my way back home to this amusing sight! We are used to seeing cats fight. But have you ever seen rats fighting? And a cat that never interrupts is truly a smart cat.’
‘Can you guess which rat did the cat chase after? The one that ran away from my direction or the ones that come towards my direction? If you can guess correctly, I will buy you a coffee.’ Cheez captioned the video.