Woman Fights For Her Life After Routine Tummy Tuck Went Terribly Wrong
A rare flesh-eating disease has forced her to have multiple operations.
Brenna McIntosh underwent a cosmetic procedure known as abdominoplasty after losing 90 pounds and left with excess skin. The surgery went without a hitch, but the 29-Year-Old began feeling unwell 8days later. She reached out to the doctors, who then thought Brenna had contracted a less severe infection and was prescribed antibiotics.
But sadly, things took a turn for the worse.
A surgeon then discovered that the Melbourne-based had contracted necrotizing fasciitis, a rare but flesh-eating severe bacterial infection affecting tissues and organs under the skin and muscles. According to Perth Now, Brenna was placed in an induced coma at Alfred Hospital.

She’s receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy; a treatment used to speed the healing of gangrene, stubborn wounds, and infections in which tissues are starved for oxygen.
Reportedly, there has only been one other case documented in the world of necrotizing fasciitis after a tummy tuck, and as a result, Brenna was intubated and placed in a Coma. Since arriving at the hospital, her friend Lauren Vanderven revealed Brenna has been having surgery every day to clear as much dead tissue and infection as possible.
“Brenna will have a long recovery ahead of her, resulting in multiple months off work and loss of income,” Lauren, who launched a GoFundMe for the medical costs, wrote.
@bre_michelle00 Brenna is currently in an induced coma after a very very rare complication following her tummy tuck (The go fund me link explains it all). She has a very very long recovery ahead of her with an estimated 4+ months off work.We are asking if everyone can please donate & share or if you can’t donate just share the go fund me link please that we have set up to raise as much money to support her & her family to get through the next few months. Pls help her out ❤️#fyp #tummytuck #hospital #infection Gonna Be Okay Brent Morgan – Brent Morgan
She added that Brenna has made so many people smile both in person and through social media; therefore, we should give her a reason to smile. Apart from the GoFundMe, some friends have also organized a raffle to help cover much-needed funds. On the other hand, Brenna has regularly been posting updates to her TikTok page, showing she’s awake and excited for her next surgery as she gets one step closer to recovering.