Engineers Make Breathable And Waterproof Cast To Replace Plaster Casts And Stop Itching
November 28, 2019No more worries, here you now have a waterproof arm cast!
18,000-Year Old ‘Wolf Dog’ Discovered Frozen In Siberian Ice
November 28, 2019Further analysis in the pipeline, wait for it!
AI Can Now Predict When Lightning Will Strike And Saves Millions Of Dollars
November 19, 2019No more getting strike twice.
Scientists’ New Algorithm That Can Remove Color Distortion From Underwater Images
November 18, 2019Distinct from Photoshopping image as it enhances the colors that water absorbs!
Scientists Reconstruct The Face Of 1,000-Year-Old Viking Warrior Woman
November 4, 2019Brought to life using cutting-edge facial recognition technology.
Liver Damage Caused By Drinking Can Soon Be Cured, Says Science
October 31, 2019A drug to undo tissue scarring in lung and liver disease is being developed.
Owning A Dog Reduces Early Dying Risks By 24%, Scientists Say
October 10, 2019Sounds like a good reason to convince parents and partners to get a puppy now.
Greta Thunberg’s Brave Speech During The UN Climate Summit Went Viral Along With Her Killing Stare Directed At Trump
September 24, 2019'How dare you?'
Japan Is Going To Allow Scientists To Create Human-Animal Hybrids
September 13, 2019Ethically questionable experiments allowed to perhaps save more lives in the future.
Scientists Discover A ‘Super Earth’ With Water 110 Light-Years Away In World-First Discovery
September 12, 2019It has shorter years as it completes an orbit in 33 days!