Men Share How They Hint Girls That They’re Gay And It’s Pretty Adorable
Oh, hey, let’s be bestfriends!
With more people being widely accepted with different sexuality, it’s easier for people to come out of the closet and be open to people. But still, it is pretty awkward to ask people about their sexuality. We can’t assume a man is gay just because he speaks softly, so these men show what they do to hint at other women that they are, indeed, gay.
TikTok user @oop.jake started with his own trick.
It appears that instead of saying shirt and calling it a ‘top,’ women immediately get the hint that he cares at least a bit more than most men about fashion.

Oh, @seanbarryparsons is just the kind of waiter that makes you feel good the moment you step into a restaurant. Here’s his “Queer Coded Dining.”
He knows the right compliments, like dresses with pockets, rompers! He overly smiles and offers himself to help take pictures. And many more: this man is gold.
“I look really straight,” @migoiii said. “I wasn’t even trying…”
“Dang” and “gurl” are part of his vocabularies.
Words aren’t necessary for @jjjavian. He just vibes it.
Just look at his sassiness as he applies that chapstick.
User @manetai is pretty confident about himself by not saying anything.
“I don’t have to say anything, ladies would just know.”

You don’t need a go-to way sometimes. @daveykins94 is pretty straightforward and doesn’t beat around the bush.
“Oh, by the way, I’m not hitting on you — I’m gay.”

Some guys like @jaco4ever get hit on by women more often than not.
So for him, he has to go with a “more direct approach and just let them know I’m gay.”

@simply_josh3 looks pretty straight, but he mentions something particularly unusual that heavily hints his sexuality.
Guys and their 3-in-1. *eyerolls*

“You’re cute!” @noelmulk0 is really showing that real-bestie attitude.
They also know what they’re talking about: cute dress, perfect makeup, etc.
For @cristogq, it’s how you can always use the word “queen” that lifts each other even though you may have used it to stop a woman from hitting on you!
Coincidentally, he had to use his technique when a girl asked him out for a coffee: “Hey, Queen!”

Some people made it clear that they’re open for a relationship, like @seananthonyv.
“Got a boyfriend? Yea? Is he cute? How bi-” Okay, maybe a little too aggressive.

The vocabulary usage, according to @ayoaustimus.
Why do straight people not compliment girls with words like pretty, gorgeous or stunning?