‘There’s Nothing Positive About This’ Guy Shows Why People Shouldn’t Celebrate ‘Overweight’ Bodies
March 4, 2021Have people used this as an excuse to be stay overweight?
Bella Hadid Shares Candid Photos Of Her Life With A Chronic Disease
March 1, 2021Still fighting 'nausea' and 'joint pains' from the infection.
Artist’s 30 Skeleton Comics About Loss, Mental Health And Cure
November 5, 2020Letting go is indeed next to the impossible, but it's possible.
Doctor Reveals The Things Anxious And Depressed People Do NOT Want To Hear
November 4, 2020They do NOT feel better when you say these.
25 Hilarious Dinosaur Comics About Mental Health
October 17, 2020Funny characters trying to navigate their complex emotions.
Rebel Wilson Reveals She’s Just 6.5lbs Away from Her Goal Weight
October 5, 2020'I felt proud of myself and now only 3kg’s away from my goal weight!'
20 Hilarious Doctors Who Sincerely Believe Laughter Is The Best Medicine And Proved It
September 30, 2020No, 35 children is enough.
20 Incredible ‘Before And After’ Transformations Of Addicts Who Are Finally Clean
September 24, 2020They now have a life they can be proud of.
Girl Shares 15 Signs That Will Help Us Recognize Someone Who Is Suffering From Depression
July 25, 2020Recognize the sign, offer or find help ASAP.
This Guy’s TikToks Are A Warning To Young People That COVID-19 Is Not A Joke
July 20, 2020Wear a mask and stay safe, guys.
30 People Shared Their Experience With US Healthcare System
July 15, 2020Imagine being an American.
Bill Nye Explains Why People Should Wear A Mask, And It Goes Viral
July 10, 2020Why is wearing a mask so painful to you?
Young Mom Dies Of Coronavirus Moments After Giving Birth To Twins
July 4, 2020She gone way too soon.
Doctor Wears Different Face Masks To Show How It Affects Our Heart Beat And Oxygen Levels
June 29, 2020The world has changed, hence ride along with it!
Woman Shares Her Story Of Getting Her Lump Checked In Iceland And Compared It To US Healthcare
June 24, 2020Healthcare should be affordable and accessible.
Artist Illustrates Mental Illnesses As Monsters To Raise Awareness
June 18, 2020Too relatable illustrations about mental illness.