Exchange Between Brendan Fraser And His Fan Goes Viral As He Says He Wasn’t Aware How Many People Love Him
It’s not too late for us to show our love.
Brendan Fraser, “The Mummy”, the handsome chad, “Journey to the Center of the Earth” – he’s everyone’s childhood crush and hero. But at some point, as we grew up, we stopped hearing about the man. We stopped seeing new movies of his aside from “The Mummy”.
What happened to this talented man? If you haven’t been following his stories, you would be shocked to hear about the series of tragedies he went through.

Brendan Fraser started his career in the 1990s and immediately skyrocketed in terms of popularity. He had all the features that made women swoon, but that wasn’t all. The hard worker kept pumping out movies one after another with his impeccable acting skills and had been performing his own stunts.
Yet, by 2003, he was gone from the entertainment industry with news about him almost summing up to none.
It wasn’t until more than one and a half-decade later did the actor finally revealed what happened. Fraser told GQ in 2018, “I believe I probably was trying too hard, in a way that’s destructive.”
“By the time I did the third Mummy picture in China. I was put together with tape and ice.”
“I needed a laminectomy. And the lumbar didn’t take, so they had to do it again a year later,” he spoke of his stunt injuries aside from the partial knee replacement and even a vocal chord repair.
But that probably wasn’t the worst part of his downfall: it was the assault.
Fraser almost never talked about it, but after the interview ended, he called back to finally reveal that his life changed at a luncheon held at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association in 2003. Fraser, on his way out from the hotel, shook the hand of the former president of HFPA Philip Berk who in return, “pinched” his *ss.
But in Fraser’s memory, it was way more than just a pinch. He recalled, “His left-hand reaches around, grabs my *ss cheek, and one of his fingers touches me in the taint. And he starts moving it around.”
“I felt ill. I felt like a little kid. I felt like there was a ball in my throat. I thought I was going to cry,” Fraser shared his feelings.
Fraser became depressed after the incident and couldn’t tell anyone about it, but his then-wife. The man said, “I was blaming myself and I was miserable.” He became a recluse after the incident and backed out from the industry.
But that was not why Fraser was gone from the spotlight. On the other side, after he pulled the man’s hand away from his body, he wondered if he had been disfavored by the HFPA.
“I don’t know if this curried disfavor with the group, with the HFPA. But the silence was deafening,” said Fraser.
He was rarely invited back to the Globes after 2003, but Berk denies holding any animosity towards the man through HFPA. “His career declined through no fault of ours,” he claimed.
And that was how we ended up here, seeing Fraser expressing his surprise knowing there’s so much support for him out here.

Lindley, an NYC cosplayer and a huge fan of Fraser, had gone viral for the wholesome exchange she did with the man. During the Fan Expo held last month, the host asked him about the conversation. He answered, “I was feeling the love.”
The host told him, “You were kind of choking up.” And he replied, “Yeah I backed into that—was I? I was like, I don’t know, I felt like… she was so sincere.”

“I’m not real big on social media, forgive me for that I’m a luddite apart from the Zelda thing. I did like a meet-and-greet at a con and it went on to TikTok and I had a nice little chat with this lovely woman called Lindley, I learned her name.”
“I felt like, she was so sincere. I appreciate it and it let me know that I guess I just wasn’t aware that there’s that much support. I appreciate it very, very much,” Fraser spoke about the wholesome exchange.

This just one of so many instances where people fell in love again with the humble man who deserves so much more.

And much like Lindley, we are all excited to see what he’ll be up to doing next. We’d love to show our support for him!
Watch as Lindley gushes over the man’s humbleness and appreciation for his fans!
@littlelottiecosplay #duet with @julseyhiphop This interview is resurfacing, and I’m filled with so many emotions rewatching this. #brendanfraser #brenaissance #themummy Vas – jagger finn
People are also evidently waiting to see more of what the man is up to!

We just have so much love to give for this man, for real.