Critic Shames Greedy Influencers Who Still Asking For Free Food Even Restaurants Are Struggling In Lockdown
They need to stop being so full of themselves.
Everyone is struggling with business and work right now. People are losing jobs and especially those who depend on daily earnings are most affected. That includes restaurants that suddenly cannot do their business and rely on takeaways or online orders.
But that did not stop these influencers from asking for free food. Honestly, we all expect that people would be more respectful and show more self-restraint during such trying times. We’re all in the same boat, so let’s not ask for too much from each other and try to help whenever possible.
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“Introduce your takeaway meal.”

It’s not like people don’t know takeaways are the only things they can get outside right now. So, no, hun, please don’t leech off dying businesses.
Posted by an Australian-based food critic, the man also included the tag #couscousforcomment which has gained a popularity on its own. The issue, as many have pointed out, is that they are asking to be bribed with free food for a positive commentary on them. Which means they are not genuine, organic tractions.
Free food for my birthday party, please.

Dying winemaker industry about to explode in rage.

How about try to pay for the food and do a genuine review instead?
We’re all suffering, but let’s be realistic and try not to ask for free food and drink from others. Especially those who actually work and have a business to run, employees to pay and mouths to feed.
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