Bride Gets Dumped By Groom Over Fear That Her Friend Who Had A Stillbirth Would Steal Attention At Wedding
This is extremely sensitive. Be guarded!
There’s no explanation as to how much time one will take to cope with the loss of a baby. What makes the situation worse is when people, specifically loved ones, add to the despair. A woman who had a stillbirth a couple of months ago saw her friend, a bride-to-be, become downright ill-humane by saying her grief would distract guests from giving her all the attention at her wedding.
Photos of their text exchanges have since been shared on a Facebook group titled: “That’s It, I’m wedding shaming (non-ban-happy edition),” and it featured the bride with no hesitation telling her friend not to be part of her special day. The bride doesn’t have morals and has been dubbed “Human Trash Bag” by Internet users.
In particular, the bridezilla doubled her point, saying that she wants to be the most important person on her wedding day, adding that if she announces the stillbirth situation on social media, no one at the wedding will bother to ask. It turned out it wasn’t something the friend wanted, so she instantly cut off all ties. Would you have done the same?
A Text Message Between A Bride-To-Be And Her Friend Who Had A Stillbirth Went All Viral

The Bride Equally Fought Her Point Out With Her Other Friends On Facebook

The wedding eventually got canceled, and the groom dumped the heartless bride-to-be. It’s heavily suspected by internet users that the bride’s messages played a vital role in the breakup. WebMD explains that grief can take very different forms for different mothers. While some mothers might feel lonely and guilty, a few can feel angry.
In The End, The Groom Dumped The Bride After He Heard Of What Happened, Especially How She Treated Her Friend Who Lost Her Baby

Accordingly, mothers who lost their babies may also have a challenging time bring around families with children. Even more, women can instantly feel another wave of grief when they get pregnant again. However, as expected, the story has sparked reactions, with many claiming the bride is irrational.
“I lost my babies in August, and I still struggle if someone is pregnant around me. You don’t just get over it. What an absolute knobshite of a human. P.s I’m so sorry for your loss.” One user wrote. Another added: “My heart is pounding so hard. I refuse to believe that horrible person like this is real.” A few claimed such an act would be the end of their friendship if any friend treats them the way the bride did.