Elon Musk’s Twitter Spat With Bernie Sanders Got The Tesla CEO Roasted Hilariously
The more money and power you have, the more society will demand of you. And rightly so, for all the wealth you’ve earned.
Elon Musk has always been that one billionaire that is open about people telling him that super-wealthy people need to be taxed. And at this point, he just enjoys making snarky comments when renowned individuals, like the US Senator, decide to bring up the topic on Twitter. It’s presumed he’s tweeting this from the comfort of his $50k home in South Texas.
Speaking his conviction, Bernie Sanders tweeted the need to tax the extremely wealthy.

Bernie Sanders has over 12 million followers on Twitter.

As one of the super-wealthy, Elon Musk decided to be smart.

The man has 64 million followers, and it’s not this is the first time he trolled people. But many were particularly offended by his latest antics.

Yes, because Elon Musk is one of the world’s richest, and many believe he could do more.

The two actually have a mutual goal in making renewable energy their source of income. But the Tesla CEO has long been against the concept of “billionaire’s income tax.” The man’s net worth is currently at $285 billion, with Jeff Bezos right behind him at $203.9 billion.
He later teased, “Ok, how much do you think is fair? Does 53% seem reasonable?”
People felt his childish comments were too rude towards the Senator, who was highly favorable among the citizens.

While his first tweet was still heating up, he returned and asked if he should “sell more stock.”

Elon Musk did sell about $6.9 billion worth of stock just last week asked if “53%” was enough. While the Senate never replied to tweets, Elon continued to communicate with others under his tweet, answering questions and sharing his opinions.

He also previously tweeted, “Eventually, they run out of other people’s money, and then they come for you.”
Which is food for thought, as the system has long been sustained through a tax system that causes so many people to end up in poverty, homelessness, and living on paycheck to paycheck.
“I am in favor of an estate tax,” the replied to one.

A user asked, “What do you think of a tax structure where there’s only a sales tax?”
“So that rich folks who buy a lot of stuff would get the largest tax burden, and low-income families who don’t buy much would pay the least. This would punish extravagant purchases instead of capital-building.”
The CEO was in favor of the idea, replying, “Agreed, taxes are best applied to (especially extravagant) consumption, whereas capital allocation taxes reduce goods & services output, so actually bad for the people.”
“Probable capital allocation skill of heirs is lower than original creator, so I am in favor of an estate tax.”
The gross tax revenue in California alone was listed at above $400 billion. Would taxing the billionaires actually ‘fix’ things?
Some found his tweet as a perfect template for their own trolls.

While some low-key brought up other problematic practices seen in many major corporations.

Those against “billionaire’s income tax” share why it doesn’t make sense.