32 Times Girls Share ‘Pics I Take Of My BF Vs Pics He Takes Of Me’ Hilarious Comparisons
As long as we still love each other, I guess.
Men are not always the best photographers and this is worsened by the fact that they don’t always care about pictures. Much less, caring about taking even a half-decent pictures that don’t show their girls halfway shoving down a mouthful of enchiladas. Seriously, guys, we don’t want to let your mom see my eating like I haven’t done that for the past 3 years.
But what can we say, that also shows just how much they love us. We don’t look pretty 24/7 and look even more disgusting at moments we prefer to not specify, but our boyfriends will still love us just as much.
1. This man made effort to purposely make her look ugly. Lol.

2. Still in love.

3. It was a blurry horizon, says men all the time.

4. Both were caught off-guard at the opposite side of the ‘awesome’ spectrum.

5. Eating pictures are the best/worst.

6. Yeah, let me purposely take this picture at the very moment you’re munching on the whip cream.

7. Perfect. Just perfect. Empty plate, midway chomping.

8. You need a photography class desperately.

9. It seems guys need their phone confiscated on the table.

10. This is cute, can’t deny that.

11. He barely passed.

12. They always take pictures out of focus.

13. Good boyfriend starter pack – let them post your ugliest back photo.

14. Looks yummy.

15. How to be a good boyfriend: copy your girlfriend.


17. He looks lost.

18. Not her wildest moment.

19. Took him some amazing shot with amazing background. And then there are trees.

20. Please, put in at least half of my effort!

21. Just as long as you love me still, I guess.

22. Yes, this is my habitat. Want to see what a dayday does when she gets ugly pictures?

23. Her face exactly when her man posts this picture.

24. A nice place, a nice man, a nice camera. Still awful pictures.

25. Very cute. Now, delete that.

26. Yes, I love you. Doesn’t mean you can show how much of a glutton I am to the world.

27. Her face exactly when she sees this picture.

28. And you wonder how guys got their cool pictures?

29. Having an important talk after this sandwich.

30. Boys love pretty girls. Then proceeds to capture their ugliest moments ever.

31. That is why our kids won’t have pictures of me taken by you.

32. When your boyfriend lives for the this very sole moment.