30 Women Revealed Savage Texts ‘Nice Guys’ Have Sent Them After Being Rejected
If you’re actually nice, you don’t have to say it yourself.
What falls as a ‘nice guy’ type differs for each of us, but they are definitely not the ones who self-claim to be nice guys before insulting every woman who rejects their advances. What did your parents tell you that you so eagerly believe you’re a very nice guy and had to point out to people?
What’s scary is that these people often look normal, like a decent guy, and then flips their switch when you take things online. There are so many of these people that a whole subreddit for them was made, and it’s so active. It’s such a shame to see so many men out there who really shouldn’t be in a relationship until they get better.
It’s always everything but him.

Will take long for them to realise.

Props to that judge from 1837.

The irony. Guacamole is better.

He deserved that.
In sixteen words.

The ultimate nice guy, blasted by Natalie Portman.

He just had to text him because it didn’t work with the girl.

A Facebook friend had her bf pass away recently, and she shared this experience with a “nice guy”

Nice guy accidentally gave a compliment.

When nice guys can’t think of anything better to do in life, really.

This person is going to be single for a long time.

Colon, bladder, kidney.

A literal fedora with arms.

This guy who couldn’t even wait for a next date.

Are you on birth control? I also double-booked you. Please pick up my call.
This self-aware nice guy.

Man who has never been a real friend to anybody. Really hope he learns from this.

We don’t get why so many boys don’t use their brain at all.

Fake nice guys are curse.

Nice guy as an operator for 911.

A thing I made up.

These nice guys always looking for a chance.

I want her, but I don’t want her anymore.

A reflection on a nice guy’s life.

This stupid instruction at a church-led dance.

This post that should have suffice to help ‘nice guys’ understand.

This is actually borderline creepy, the man sounds mentally problematic. Ought to report this to a police.

Never using Bumble again.

Nude picture or I’ll die.