30 Funny Ads For Vintage Technology That Look Way Overpriced
Woah, so pricey!
The king of overpriced gadgets these days belongs to lots of big companies such as Apple and Samsung (do not fight me on this). The two lead smartphone sales on the Android and iOS system but who would have known that insane prices have existed since decades ago. In fact, we’re just sitting here laughing at how ridiculous the prices on these vintage ads were!
A phone the size of a brick and does no more than calling used to cost over $1000 each back in the days. A storage machine for 10 MB… would cost you a whole new set of PC today. Things were insane back then, too, and it’s time to share some of the old ads!
Imsai PC with 10 MB hard disk and a 8-bit microprocessor. Cost $5,995 in the 80’s.

The Panasonic RX 5500 Stereo for $576 which is about $2000 today.

Hard disk at 10 MB for $3,495.

The IBM 5110 computing system for under $18,000.

XCOMP 10 MB hard disk for $3,398.

Spartan Apple II and an emulator for $600.

A 15 MB massive hard disk drive for $2,495.

Bell & Howell 8mm camera cost $207.7.

Sinclair ZC80 PC at $199.95.

Intercolor 3621 with 51k mini-disk drive and 32k RAM. Cost: $3,300.

Emerson Radio corporation TV set for $599.50. 1949.

Phone Mate automatic answering machine for $129.5.

Sears portable color TV at $327.88.

The JVC’s HR-7300 Vidstar with built-in video recorder. Cost: $1,280.

Corvus Systems Inc. with a ‘mass storage’ of 1000 MB.

Westinghouse 242 Big Picture TV for $270 or about $2,700 today.

Tandy CT-300 cellular phone for $1,499. 1989.

Coral cellphone by UK’s Telecom at $895.

Osborne business computing at $1,795.

Ampex FR200 tape transport at base price $2,675.

Apple l1 Plus at $1,195 back in 1977.

TRS-80 PC with 32K at $3,874.

256K 1-disk memory PC for $5,000.

Sears’ 8-digit electronic calculator for almost $100.

Motorola’s stereo Hi-Fi coffee table for $169.95.

TRS-80 back in 1977 was sold for $3,450.

Betavision video cassette recorder that cost almost $1000.

Seagate ST4096 memory hard disk from 80’s at $12,000.

Commodore 64K PC for everybody at $600.

Sinclair Microvision pocket TV at $395.