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28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic


28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Some Karens won’t be happy seeing these jokes.

There are seasonal jokes that make fun of the current trending topics and situations of the world that can only be enjoyed at that time. Well, we’re not running out of time for some pandemic jokes on Karens who feel offended by having to wear a mask outside. Please, it’s not about your freedom, it’s about the freedom for the people around you.

Anyways, we hope you can enjoy these jokes, despite the horrible situations. And hope more people can be convinced to care about others more than themselves.

Stop blaming the working class.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic


Surprise, surprise!

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Meanwhile Arizona peeks in from behind.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

When your sense of freedom is so fragile that you can’t stand wearing a mask.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic
City of Tuscaloosa

You think you’re a genius?

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

All lives matter, but mine is foremost.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic


28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Don’t let this happen. Lol.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

You’ll surprise to find out what the virus does.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Getting your priorities wrong there.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Just wait.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Price of freedom.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Sad that gun doesn’t help your breathe better.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Oh look, we can attend 8th grade now.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

A real struggle.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

So, yeah… You’re single now?

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

People are weird.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Walmart killing Stacey.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Doggo showing the right way to wear a mask.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic


28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

A friendly reminder.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Kids are monsters.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Living in their fantasy.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Enjoy your own reflection.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

If you think doctors are such wise beings…

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Your choice. Really.

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

Oh no, you don’t want to kill people for the greater good?

28 Savage Jokes That Will Make You Laugh During The Pandemic

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