28 Hilarious Wives And Girlfriends Whose Sense Of Humor Is Unbeatable
A lot of things to learn from these women!
For a relationship to work, you need both to be completely crazy about each other and most importantly, a good sense of humor. A healthy relationship can be measured by the sense of humor that is going on in it. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be the men who excel at pranking. We all know that one woman who never seems to run out of creative ideas to keep things fun with her guy!
These are some of the loveliest and funniest things men had ever seen their women did for them!
Girlfriend wrote me a poem on a note.

Got this at Goodwill and can’t wait for boyfriend to come home.
Wife just got me a pair of new socks from Target.

Girlfriend offered to take a picture outside the Emirates Stadium.

Wife sent me a picture of cat playing behind the TV.

Girlfriend got this card for me on Valentine’s Day before we dated officially. I still smile when I look at this.

Ladies and gentlemen, my wife.

Wife: I’m going an extra mile for the burial you deserve.

Wife is 39-week pregnant, but was not about to miss ‘Deadpool 2’.

Marriage is all good until it comes to sharing the cake.

How my girlfriend made me came out of the room and I’m ashamed to admit that it worked.

My hilarious Venezuelan wife.

Calvin and Hobbes is the best, husband believes I need therapy.

So, we got a new hand towel.

A friend’s grandma decided to ‘photoshop’ her picture by cutting a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio on her late husband’s face.

A friend gave her husband cake to tell him they’re expecting.

Wife got me a new cutting board with a reminder.

1986, this mother is laughing hysterically because her husband fainter after seeing their newborn son.

Asked girlfriend to make a country style breakfast. She made this.

Wife gave a me this Bob Ross book and then hid this picture inside.

How I apologize to boyfriend who loves pasta after an argument.

So, I was trying to be a proper adult as I read this scientific paper and saw wife’s scrabbling.

Yeah, a peacock.

Girlfriend showed up on his birthday as him!

I finally opened the fridge after two days and wife has been waiting for it.

Wife sent me a picture of our son’s music test and she captioned it, “I can think of 7 exes who needed a scoresheet like this.”

Telehubbies captured by wife.

I was in the toilet and my girlfriend sent this.