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17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie


17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie

Better than movie!

Things are often dramatized in movies to make them more interesting to watch. Coincidences, tragic love rejections, and tears – they are really typical in movies. But these dramas don’t just exist in movies because people have uploaded pictures of them happening in real life.

These pictures are fueled with dramas and can hurt so much you can physically feel it. We from Green Lemon pay our respect to the people injured in these scenes.

1. She said no and put this on to make him feel better.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
RonakyRL / Twitter

2. He tried, and that’s one lovely flower.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
© pm_me_lulz / Reddit

3. Everyone looks so uninterested and even annoyed, except for the guy on the front who shows everyone his Pokémon collection.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
CharmingShower / Reddit

4. Friend currently on his 4th rejection from the same girl.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
rcmate / Reddit

5. Won the argument, lost the bed.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
ginger-loving-asian / Reddit

6. He got in line for the rollercoaster and 2 hours later, was told he was too tall for it.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
LiteralGiraffe / Reddit

7. Girl got upset and doesn’t want to be a mama anymore coz baby wouldn’t listen.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
Oohlala_____ / Twitter

8. He’s trying to get a nice haircut.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
HorseRadishson / Reddit

9. He is having a date with a blonde. Nothing weird here.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
SavetheRobots5 / Reddit

10. Got back to bike looking like this after work.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
troymandarin / Reddit

11. No one came to his seminar on loneliness.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
illinoisilluminati / Reddit

12. No one came to this book signing.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
blocked_ / Reddit

13. A picture of when her ex broke up with her.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
foxfunk / Reddit

14. Man: I love this dog, but it doesn’t notice me. Just like women.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
jamescagewhite / Twitter

15. Girl posted this picture and hoped for guy to never get a girlfriend “so they can stay friends forever”.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
StareGamer / Reddit

16. A girl posted on Twitter on her ‘best friend’ Liam, who spent $200 to take her out for meals. She also said, ‘Love him like a brother’ with #bff.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
LlLUZlSQUlRT / Twitter

17. This sad picture of a boy, about to blow out the candles for his birthday alone while his dad watch TV on the couch.

17 Hilarious Pics That Are More Dramatic Than Any Movie
CharmingShower / Reddit

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