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17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look


17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

The pores, the wrinkles, the grey hair – they’re all natural!

Women are the more fragile sex when it comes to beauty complex—many resorts to wearing makeup for the majority of their life when they have to appear in public. Understandably, we don’t want people to focus on the wrinkles and aging signs as we grow older.

But not these actresses. They don’t let concealers cover up the wrinkles, not even when they have to appear in public, on the red carpet, or for magazine photoshoots. It’s so beautiful to see the recent trend that focuses on reducing reliance on powders and colors.

They look gorgeous without the need for heavy makeup and these side-by-side comparisons prove precisely just that. Embrace aging! Scroll on, and we hope they can serve as a confidence boost for you today.

Gal Gadot

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look
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17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look
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Mila Kunis

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Megan Fox

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Lady Gaga

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Ariel Winter

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Jennifer Lawrence

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look


17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look
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Kim Kardashian

Tyra Banks

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Caroline Sunshine

Kristen Stewart

Lindsay Lohan

Selena Gomez


17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Scarlett Johansson

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look


17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

Jennifer Lopez

17 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Show There Without Makeup Look

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