Young Girl Cries To Her Mom Because She Doesn’t Have Wrinkles Like Her
She pointed to her mom’s forehead to show she was talking about her wrinkles.
Wrinkles are inevitable and while some people have embraced them, most still spend time & money to avoid them. Interestingly, the facial feature has left a young girl in tears – not for the fear of the lines, but because she desperately wants them, just as her parents have on their foreheads.
The young girl is upset that she’s got no lines like her parents; the moment is so amusing that her mother couldn’t help but share it on TikTok.

Vic Cross, known for sharing amusing parenting videos, including a baby dancing to club music, showed her daughter sitting on her bed crying profusely. And as she kneeled to her, looking concerned and asking “Why are you sad?” her daughter [whose name is unknown] gave an unexpected response of: “Because I haven’t got lines.”

To decipher the explanation, Vic asked again: “You’re sad because you haven’t got lines? Who’s got lines?”

Her daughter replies, through her sobs: “You have – and daddy.”

The mom continued: “Show me where my lines are,” to which the young girl pointed to her mum’s forehead. The clip concluded with Vic pulling her daughter in for a hug as she cries, but then laughed at the camera when her daughter wasn’t looking.

Viewers have since taken the comments to share both their thoughts and sympathy, with one writing: “Have patience little one, the lines will come.”

On the reason the young girl was upset, another user added: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She has not yet been brainwashed by societal standards of beauty.”

The comments went on, with a third stating: “It’s so funny to us as adults but to her very real and upsetting. Hats off to you for comforting her seriously and laughing only when she couldn’t see.” A few shared examples of why they had gotten upset when they were younger. Someone shared: “Being a child is so funny and innocent, I used to cry because my nose wouldn’t sweat.

Speaking of their child, another shared: “Mine once cried because the veins in my hands are very blue and visible and she couldn’t see hers so she was terrified she had no veins. A third also said: “When I was younger, I wanted jiggly arms cuz my fave teacher had jiggly arms.” However, the video was captioned: “20mins crying because she doesn’t have lines in her forehead like Mummy and Daddy!”
@vic_cross_ 20mins crying because she doesn’t have lines in her forehead like Mummy and Daddy!! #kidssaythefunniestthings #funnythingskidssay #motherhood #tantrum #botox ♬ original sound – Vic_Cross_