“You Didn’t Expect Kate Moss To Testify, Did You?” Johnny’s Lawyer Grilled Amber Heard In Cross-Examination
I’m harassed, humiliated, threatened every single day.”
Amber Heard was yet again subjected to a brutal cross-examination by Johnny Depp’s lawyer Camille Vasquez. The legal star turned to the question of whether Heard or her legal team tipped off TMZ about her appearing in court in May 2016 to get a restraining order against Depp. The actress, 36, said she had nothing to do with the press being there and had no idea they would be outside.
When asked if she was shocked to see photographers outside court, Heard replied, “Incorrect.”

Camille then asked: “You alerted TMZ you’d be filling? Heard replied again: “No, I did not.” The 36-Year-Old denied that the tip came from her legal team and added: “What survivors of domestic violence want that? Camille also accused Heard of editing out a part of the video when she was snickering before sending it to TMZ. “You testified you haven’t been smirking – you were smirking on the video.”
Heard said: “Everyone can watch that video and determine whether you think it’s funny to me.”

The interrogation also saw Camille accuse Heard of lying to the world on several occasions. The attorney asked: “Your lies have been exposed to the world multiple times?” Heard responded: “I haven’t lied about anything.” Camille again asked: “When you told this jury you punched Mr. Depp because you thought of Mr. Depp pushing Kate Moss down the stairs, you didn’t expect Miss Moss to testify that never happened?” Heard said, “Incorrect, I knew how many people will come out of the woodwork to support Johnny. Everybody who was around in the 90s and early 80s knew that rumor. I had heard that rumor from multiple people.”
“Of course that’s what flashed through my head when my violent husband not only swung for me but all of a sudden swung for my sister. Of course I thought of that. I did not expect her to show up or expect her to show up, it did not matter, it did not change what I thought on the stairs when I thought he was going to kill my sister.”

Heard further was pressed about why so many other people came out and testified for Depp, and she replied: “I know how many people will come out and say whatever for him. That’s his power. That’s why I wrote that op-ed. He is a very powerful man, and people love currying favor with powerful men.” Camille also turned to the events of the trailer park in Hicksville, California, where Heard claimed that Depp performed a ‘cavity search on her.
The lawyer asked if it was correct that her friend Rocky Pennington didn’t see Depp grab the wrist of a woman who was cuddling up to Heard.

Heard insisted she was “not sure what part of the night she saw.” As the testimony continued, Heard claimed Depp trashed their trailer, but Camille said the manager of the site, Morgan Night, contradicted that and only found $62 of damage to a light fixture. Of the Night, Heard said: “I’m not sure who that guy was. I know a lot of people have come out of the woodwork. I’ve heard a lot of people say a lot of things to be involved in the Johnny Depp show.” Camille then asked: “In Hicksville, you were the only one jealous of Mr. Depp?” Heard replied: “Not correct.”
When asked if Heard got jealous because Depp was “not giving you attention,” Heard insisted: “Incorrect again.”

At this point, Judge Penney Azcarate had to issue a warning to the public gallery after an objection from one of Heard’s lawyers. In court, the judge said: “I would ask there be no words or sounds coming from you. If I hear one more sound, I will clear the public gallery.” Heard was equally asked about her comments in an audio recording that Depp should go to the ‘judge and jury’ and claim he was a victim of domestic abuse.
She responded: “I find it hard to believe knowing that he himself beat me up for five years.”

When further asked by one of her own lawyers to describe the effect of Depp, she became emotional: “Johnny promised me, promised me he would ruin me, that’d he ruin my career, he’d take my life from me, death was the only way out and if I got out, this is what he’d do to me. He promised me global humiliation, that you see in this courtroom is an echo of the violence and the abuse of what I suffered in our relationship, the campaigns to have me fired trying to ruin my career, the threats he’s made to humiliate me globally are being lived out in real-time in front of you ladies and gentleman for the past six weeks and for the whole world given there are cameras here.”
Heard broke down on the stand as she told the courtroom how Johnny Depp’s smear campaign against her had upended her life.
“I am harassed, humiliated, threatened every single day. Even just walking into this courtroom, sitting here in front of the world, having the worst parts of my life used to humiliate me. People want to kill me and they tell me so every day. People want to put my baby in the microwave and they tell me that. Johnny threatened, promised me that if I ever left him he’d make me think of him every single day I lived.”
Taking a jab at Depp, Heard said, “I’m not sitting in this courtroom snickering. I’m not sitting in this courtroom laughing and making snide jokes. This is horrible, this painful and this is humiliating for any human being to go through.”

“Perhaps it’s easy to go forget that, I’m a human being. I don’t deserve this. The attacks on me the campaign that Johnny has elicited millions of people to do on his behalf, torture me. People mocking my testimony about being assaulted. Making fun of…it’s been an agonizing, painful, and was the humiliating thing I’ve ever had to go through. I hope no one has to go through something like this. I just want Johnny to leave me alone. I’ve said that for years now and I thought he would.”
“Johnny has taken enough of my voice. I have the right to tell my story, my voice, and my name. He took it long enough. I have a right as an American to talk about what happened to me, to own my story and my truth. I have that right. I hope to get my voice back and I’ve said that from day one.”
However, the Aquaman star, who has a one-year-old daughter, Oonagh Paige Heard, via surrogate, told the court she has been receiving hundreds of death threats regularly and ‘thousands’ since the trial began.

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