Women’s-Only Gym Sparks Debate With Disapproving Comments From Men
Suddenly, they care about “segregation.”
Women urgently need a place where they can be without being worried about being inappropriately eyed and treated by men. Thankfully, more and more spaces have opened up to provide a safe space for women, such as Blush Fitness in Overland Park, Kansas.

The video shared by Heather Huesman has gone viral on TikTok with over 6.2 million views now. The 23-year-old who also works as a Hooter dubbed the place as “The BEST GYM!”
She wrote, “We need these everywhere, we feel so safe and comfortable going to the gym, gonna be my new favorite spot!”
The women-only concept isn’t new, but Blush makes sure that all their female customers feel safe by tinting their glasses and locking the entrance to allow only staff and members in.

Heather shared with Buzzfeed, “I decided to share my experience because ever since the first time I went into Blush, I felt a sense of relief. It felt like a breath of fresh air walking into a gym with no men!”
They also ensure all their members know when there are male staff working in the gym.

“I definitely feel safer in an all-women gym. I personally like to wear tight clothing because it is easier to work out in, and I don’t have to worry about men taking photos of me without my permission, or worry about men making me feel uncomfortable while I’m there.”
“There are also not so many people there that all the racks are being taken up. The place is very clean and has great energy and vibes to it!”
The service is also particularly good for their women-only members!

With almost 2 million likes on her video, it wasn’t short of complaints from men who call it “segregation.”

But Heather doesn’t think so.
“I don’t think the gym is segregation at all. I honestly love the idea of an all-men gym as well. I think if someone is mad that there’s an all-women gym, it’s because they want women (in their gym) for a reason.”
As long as it’s a space comfortable enough for everyone and nobody is oppressed to attend gendered spaces nor denied the facilities elsewhere, why feel pressured?
@heatherhuesman The BEST GYM! We need these everywhere, we feel so safe and comfortable going to the gym, gonna be my new favorite spot!#fyp #TikTokGGT #blush
Sunny Day – Ted Fresco
Several even pointed out that there are many gendered facilities from school, toilets, to even school and hygiene products. One wrote, “Not these guys acting like there’s no such thing as gentlemen’s clubs and men-only country clubs.”
Well, things are changing! Men are actually scared that women could make a safe space without having to fear their leering eyes.
Here are more stories and reasons why these places are needed.