Woman’s Strange Reunion With Boyfriend Spoiled By Trolls Who Say It’s A ‘Red Flag’
Is a red flag signaling?
Lauren Zarras decided to pull a smart on her long-distance boyfriend Robbie by visiting him unaware. She documented the whole process in a video, where she could be seen being led into a room where Robbie, a college student, was sitting on the sofa. And just when he sighted Lauren, Robbie stared in shock for a second.
Lauren Zarras surprised her long-distance BF, Robbie, with a visit.

He then broke out into a massive grin before pulling Lauren into his arms for a hug. Robbie’s friends that were around all smiled and laughed at the cheesy yet adorable moment. “Robbie had no idea,” Lauren captioned her video with the song “Still falling for you.”
But a video of his reaction has left the internet with divided opinions.
@laurenzarras robbie had no idea
still falling for you – audiobear
The college student had broken out into a massive grin before pulling Lauren into his arms.

Posted to TikTok, the clip has been viewed over 25million times and has attracted thousands of comments. Notably, some people have insisted that Robbie’s body language is a red flag. A few were left shocked that he was sitting on a sofa next to two friends who happened to be females.
As a result, trolls insisted his body language is a RED FLAG!

“I must be crazy because no way my man is sitting next to three girls.” One person wrote. Another said: “I’ve never seen someone look so unhappy to see their girlfriend.” But so far, Lauren has defended her relationship with Robbie, saying: “Breaks my heart that people can watch a special moment and bring so much negativity. Please think before you assume about my relationship.”
However, Lauren has since defended their relationship in the comments. And it read:

A few who agree with Lauren claimed the people in the comments do untrustworthy relationships, and it shows. One had written: “All the other girls in the comments talking about him sitting with other girls is really giving me not secure in their relationship vibes lol.”