Woman Quits Her Stressful Job To Live Like A 1950s Housewife Because ‘Men Should Be Spoiled By Their Wives’
Will you have opted for Katrina’s new lifestyle?
A woman stressed out by her job in a busy payroll department has decided to quit as well as turn back time by living like a 1950s housewife.
Katrina Holte, 30, now adores keeping the house clean and sparkling for her engineering manager husband, Lars, 28 – cooking, cleaning and making dresses like the 1950s.
Katrina Holte, 30, has quit her job in a busy payroll department to embrace the life of a traditional housewife

Katrina makes sure dinner is on the table when Lars get in. She said: ‘I feel like I’m living how I always wanted to live. It’s my dream life and my engineering husband shares my vision.’
Katrina added: It’s a lot of work. I do tons of dishes, ironing, and laundry. But I love it and it’s really helping me to take care of my husband and that makes me very happy.’
Katrina said that she loves to take care of her husband Lars. ‘Men deserves to be spoiled by wives’

Katrina ensures Lars’ dinner is ready and waiting when he comes home from work

Revealing her closet is filled with 1950s dresses made by herself, Katrina continued: ‘I have the 1940s-style furniture in the living room as well as a traditional bedroom. Don’t think it’s like a museum, I make sure it’s close to the present era.’
Katrina’s wardrobe is full of 1950s-style clothing, which she makes by herself

Making sure the house is all span when Lars comes home, the couple plays traditional board games like Scrabble, and watch old fashioned shows like The Donna Reed Show and I Love Lucy.
She also works as a part-time seamstress, selling similar outfits

Katrina revealed Lars was supportive when she told him she wanted to become a full-time housewife

Being a part-time seamstress for about ten years, Katrina who also sells retro frocks added: ‘My life started in September last year, after leaving my job which wears me down. I was really getting tired as I wasn’t living up to my own expectations. So I spoke to my husband and I explained to be a housewife and he replied he was fine with him.
‘I have the 1940s-style furniture in the living room as well as a traditional bedroom. Don’t think it’s like a museum, I make sure it’s close to the present era.’

Katrina always likes to look her best and uses vintage beauty products

Katrina and Lars on their wedding day

Katrina’s collection of vintage-style dresses hanging up in her wardrobe

Shunning modern music and television series, Katrina, however, listens to classical artists like Doris Day and Frank Sinatra.
On July 17, 2015, the couple’s first dance was to Laendler, as performed by Julie Andrews and Christopher Plumber in The Sound of Music

Katrina likes listening to records while also doing gentle stretching exercises that were popular in the 1950s