Woman Joked About Secretly Slipping Supplements Into Her Boyfriend’s Drink To Make Him LAST LONGER In Bed
It’s literally not OK nor Funny.
A woman has sparked a heated online after she joked about secretly slipping supplements into her BF’s drink to make him stay longer in bed. The unidentified woman has been pouring a packet of what seems to be Vital Honey into a Vodka-filled bottle.

Vital Honey entails a Malaysian Herb called Eurycoma Longifolia, used to treat erectile dysfunction and can improve s*xual performance.

The product’s website also states it contains caviar, one of the richest natural sources of omega-3 and phosphorus, and various minerals, proteins, and amino acids needed for cell metabolism. These sources caused it to earn the satisfaction of many people interested in the vitality and health of their bodies, both s*xually and physically.

TikToker @DJ Chose, known for reposting popular videos, was the one who shared the clip of the woman earlier this week. It’s unknown where it initially came from, but it had shown the woman pouring the s*xual enchantment supplement into her man’s alcoholic drink without him knowing. So far, it has attracted over 225k views, leaving many viewers displeased.

“[Gonna] have diabetes but [gonna] be 10 rounds strong,” reads the caption of the video.
@djchose4 gone have diabetes but gone be 10 rounds strong. #rounds #honey Where She At – DJ Chose & Kali & KenTheMan

One person commented, “[I don’t care] if she made a joke or not, it’s still weird as f**k to put something in somebody else’s drink without them knowing.” Another added: “Wow, how funny, joking about drugging someone for a s*xual purpose.” A third disgruntled viewer wrote: “Girl, delete this and reconsiders your actions.” A fourth also stated: “I don’t think it’s good to do something like that.”

“A woman drugging a man is just as bad as a man drugging a woman,” someone else commented.

However, the only waring on Vital Honey’s website states that renal failure patients, people with heart issues and high blood pressure cannot use it, and children or pregnant women. As of last month, the Food and Drug Administration issued a public notice regarding the possible side effects of Vital Honey, warning that an ingredient used in its production can interact with other medicine and lower blood pressure to critical levels.