Woman Banned From Meeting At Son’s School For Wearing Low Cut Top
Do you also consider this not vulgar?
Isabel Castro and her husband Cristian Caviedes recently went to the Institucion Educativa Instituto Tecnico Superior Industrial in Soledad Columbia to discuss COVID-19 rules at their son’s school. But then, Isabel was not permitted into the college because her white top flaunted her cleavage. The mom-of-three insisted that her outfit wasn’t vulgar, but she wasn’t listened to.
Isabel Castro claimed she was banned from attending a meeting at her son’s school because of her cut-top.
Taking to Instagram, Isabel shared the white top, which had a sweetheart neckline, and showed how she’d paired it with some ripped jeans. According to The Mirror, she explained: “I left home and looking at myself in the mirror I thought I was well-dressed. I was wearing jeans and a blouse which is quite low-cut but far from vulgar.”
The mom-of-three attended the event wearing the outfit pictured below with her husband Christian Cavides.

The school had called a meeting about the coronavirus rules, but Isabel got criticized for her cleavage.
She claimed a staff member informed her: “You can’t come like that. When you come to school, you can’t come dressed like that. Read the rule book.” Isabel has since considered the incident as an extreme reaction, especially as she believed she was well-dressed.
Taking to Instagram, Isabel shared the white top and showed how she’d paired it with some ripped jeans.
She added: “I feel discriminated against because nobody has the right to point at, judge, or criticize another person. I felt well-dressed; the fact I have three kids doesn’t mean I have to walk around covered up, nor consider myself ugly and dour without expressing my happiness. I’ve always felt pretty.”
“The fact I have three kids doesn’t mean I have to walk around covered up, nor consider myself ugly.”

Isabel Castro is quite popular on Instagram with over 140K followers.
Cristian, Isabel’s husband, has also reacted, saying: “Think about all the women suffering this sort of harassment at the moment, for example in Afghanistan, and then you wonder how this school official wants people to dress.” In an earlier publication, Bella Vrondos had been hit with a barrage of negative comments as her brown dress had a shallow cut and revealed a lot of her cleavage while picking up her kids from school.