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This Guy’s TikToks Are A Warning To Young People That COVID-19 Is Not A Joke


This Guy’s TikToks Are A Warning To Young People That COVID-19 Is Not A Joke

Wear a mask and stay safe, guys.

Let’s get things straight here – you’ve seen it everywhere, people are arguing about whether masks really work or not. There have been mixed signals sent by the government and healthcare professionals.

Masks actual function is to prevent your respiratory droplet from escaping out into the public. When you go out, you wear a mask to protect others from yourself because you can be walking around asymptomatic. Hand sanitizers do not kill the virus, only thorough hand-washing does.

This Guy's TikToks Are A Warning To Young People That COVID-19 Is Not A Joke

Only then we can be on the same page with this TikTok patient, Karim Salmen.

After staying in quarantine for four months, Karim found himself feeling really sick and throwing up all night. “I felt like I couldn’t breathe,” Karim told Buzzfeed.

This Guy's TikToks Are A Warning To Young People That COVID-19 Is Not A Joke

Karim also explains that he has bronchiolitis obliterans which is lung inflammation in small airways as well as pectus excavatum condition that refers to sunken breastbone on his chest. Before the pandemic, Karim was a regular patient for these two conditions.

“Some of the symptoms I have been experiencing are shortness of breath, coughing, dizziness, loss of appetite, and vomiting on the first day.”

“Thankfully, I am not on a ventilator. However, I am receiving an oxygen supply.”


I cannot stress this enough, this virus is no joke. PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASKS #NicerToMe #HiddenGems #covid #wearamask

♬ Rags2Riches (feat. ATR Son Son) – Rod Wave

Karim tried to stay positive on the first few days, but since day 6, things got worse and Karim reminds people to not take it as a joke.

Thankfully, Karim said his doctors are very confident in his full recovery.
This Guy's TikToks Are A Warning To Young People That COVID-19 Is Not A Joke

He is also documenting this journey to spread the awareness to people to wear a mask when in public. It can take only one person who don’t to spread it to many others with underlying conditions like him.

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