Nick Cannon Shares His Youngest Son Has Passed Away From A Brain Tumor
The five-month-old passed away after spending a quality time with his family.
Actor Nick Cannon shared on The Nick Cannon Show that he lost his five-month-old baby boy, Zen, from a brain tumor. The 41-year-old shared the son with model Alyssa Scott and recalled how the baby boy started showing symptoms of discomfort since two months old.
The heartbreaking news was announced on his show on Tuesday.

Zen was born on June 23rd, the first son between model Alyssa and her ex-boyfriend, Nick Cannon.

Zen is the seventh and youngest welcomed into Nick’s family, with six other children coming from four other different women, including ex-wife Mariah Carey, ex-girlfriend Brittany Bell. Nick is currently in a relationship with Abby de la Rosa.
“I always noticed he had a cough, and so I wanted to check it out,” he shared the story.

“He had this interesting breathing, and by the time he was two months, he had this nice sized head too – a Cannon head,” he joked. He added that his kids and he himself were always born with a nice head.
“We didn’t think anything of it. But I wanted to take him to the doctor for his sinus and breathing. We thought it would be routine.”
The visit to the doctor had instead revealed that the baby’s head was caused by hydrocephalus.

Zen needed brain surgery, and a shunt was plugged to drain the fluid out.

“Alyssa was just the strongest woman I’ve ever seen. We never had an argument, never was angry. She was emotional when she needed to be,” Nick continued.
Things got a lot worse during Thanksgiving as the tumor was malignant and grew way faster than they predicted.

“This weekend, I made a valid effort to spend the most quality time with Zen.”

“We woke up on Sunday and went to the ocean with him and Alyssa, and then I had to fly back to New York for the show,” he told the last day he got to hold his son.
“I got a call on my way to the airport to head back to Zen.”
“I prayed for God’s strength, and that’s why I’m here today because I know he puts the most and heaviest weight on the shoulders of his strongest shoulders.”
The episode of Nick sharing about his son has been dubbed as a “celebration of life.”
Our biggest condolences to the family for their loss.