Netflix Tells ‘Woke’ Employees To Leave If They’re Offended By Its Content
It called on workers to tighten their belts and reign in spending.
Netflix has decided to take a stand against cancel culture and all the woke employees, urging them to resign if offended by its content. The streaming giant warned they would not censor specific artists or voices even if employees consider the content harmful.
The new culture memo launched due to workers trying to silence artists like Dave Chappelle also called on staff to tighten their belts and rein in corporate spending as its finances falter.
Young activists, mainly LGBTQ+, have targeted the likes of comedian Chappelle for jokes about transgender people and aimed to get him canceled. But Netflix has finally appeared to be stamping out the backlash with its new memo titled: Netflix Culture – Seeking Excellence, basically defending an artist’s right to express themselves in any shape or form.

In a section known as Artistic Expression, Netflix wrote: “Entertaining the world is an amazing opportunity and also a challenge because viewers have very different tastes and points of view.”
“So we offer a wide variety of TV shows and movies, some of which can be provocative. To help members make informed choices about what to watch, we offer ratings, content warnings, and easy-to-use parental controls. Not everyone will like or agree with everything on our service. As employees we support the principle that Netflix offers a diversity of stories, even if we find some titles counter to our personal values. Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles you perceive to be harmful. If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.”
The memo was the first update to the culture guide in 5years when it used to be called Netflix Culture.

But then, the new one keeps the core principles of the original document with notes on empowering employee decision-making and calling for candid feedback. It would be recalled that Chappelle is one of the performers who has come under fire for his show The Closer, which caused an eruption at the company last fall.

Some activists claimed it contained transphobic and homophobic content and called for it to be canned.

Accordingly, the new memo contains a section aimed at getting staff to cut down on spending under the Valued Behaviors heading.

It says: “You spend our members’ money wisely. There are virtually no spending controls and few contract signing controls. Each employee is expected to seek advice and perspective as appropriate. Use good judgment is our core precept.” But the new document removed: “Note that if our company experienced financial difficulty, we wouldn’t ask our employees to accept less pay.” Other sections added include Ethical Expectations, Representation Matters, and Employees Direct Our Philanthropy.
There undeniably will be outrage over this memo. It all begins with Chappelle, but Netflix seems to protect all comedians or creations that can be deemed sensitive.
However, this comes as the streaming giant is being dragged through the wringer as it faces huge cash losses amid a mass exodus of views to rivals. On April 19th, it said it had lost 200K subscribers in the first three months of the year, the first time in a decade. They expect to lose two million more in the second quarter, and the share price fell significantly, wiping away roughly $70billion in market capitalization.