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Mom Trolled For Offering To Pay Daughter’s Wedding Dresses Only If They Pick What She Prefers


Mom Trolled For Offering To Pay Daughter’s Wedding Dresses Only If They Pick What She Prefers

Is the mom truly benefiting everyone?

As you possibly know, tradition has it that the bride’s family pays for most of the wedding cost. This isn’t stopping modern couples from spending their savings to have their desired wedding ceremony. Parents of the bride footing the bill are exceptionally great for the groom’s family, but then it can stir up a twisted sentiment. Just recently, an American mother became the talk of the internet, having offered to pay for her daughter’s wedding dresses only if they pick what she liked best. 

The mom-of-three grown children, identified as JuneBlawrence on Reddit, revealed she had two daughters and went dress shopping with each of them after getting engaged. JuneBlawrence had offered to cover half of the cost of her daughter’s gowns, but her older daughter, who preferred another dress other than that of her mom’s choice, was left to pay for it all by herself. 

Mom Trolled For Offering To Pay Daughter’s Wedding Dresses Only If They Pick What She Prefers
istockphoto (not the actual image)

For several years now, the American mom has been using financial intensives to push her kids into different directions, and interestingly, her eldest son isn’t exempted. When the son was about to get married in 2017, the mom had gone dress shopping with the bride-to-be, her family, and persuaded her to purchase a $400 veil she desired. Fortunately, the daughter-in-law was happy about the veil, and her son’s mother-in-law equally got to thank her for the generosity. 

Mom Trolled For Offering To Pay Daughter’s Wedding Dresses Only If They Pick What She Prefers
Mom Trolled For Offering To Pay Daughter’s Wedding Dresses Only If They Pick What She Prefers

She felt the similar input would be practical for her older daughter, who tied the knot in 2018. But her daughter remained decisive, choosing a different design, of which the mom disagreed on the 50/50 offer. JuneBlawrence added that her daughter got upset and dubbed her reaction embarrassing. 

Mom Trolled For Offering To Pay Daughter’s Wedding Dresses Only If They Pick What She Prefers

Fast forward to the present, JuneBlawrence younger daughter is planning her 2021 wedding, and they did go dress shopping. With her original offer to pay half of her daughter’s dress, the mom bought the princessy dress she picked out. Jiggling the past event, her oldest daughter, who’s very upset, insists it’s unfair and manipulative.

However, Reddit users are nearly in complete agreement with the older daughter, labeling the mother to controlling with gifts and money. ‘You need a therapist, not a checkbook with which to weaponize one of the biggest moments of your daughter’s lives.’ A user wrote.  Other comments have called the mom rude, entitled, delusional, and even Cringey.

A second added, admitting that her children aren’t dolls that can be dressed up through personal gratification. ‘They are your daughters. You might think what you’re doing is generous, but honestly, it’s self-serving and disrespectful. In your opinion, what do you think of the mother?

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