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Man Quits His $100,000 Per Year Job To Work For Logan Paul But Gets Turned Down


Man Quits His $100,000 Per Year Job To Work For Logan Paul But Gets Turned Down

And this is a career setback!

It’s no doubt that the Paul brothers are often faced with criticism, but it can’t be denied that Jake and Logan Paul are inspirations for many young people. Recently, Austin Wallace found his way and took the opportunity to approach Boxer and YouTuber Logan for a job. Well, Logan turned Wallace down, revealing that he works with a close-knit team and can’t at the moment spare time to be anyone’s mentor. He also gave the 22-Year-Old some advice and told him to move to Los Angeles and make connections.

Austin Wallace, 22, who quit his $100K per year job, was recently turned down by Logan Paul after approaching the Boxer for a job.

Man Quits His $100,000 Per Year Job To Work For Logan Paul But Gets Turned Down
aj_wallace69 via TikTok

Taking to TikTok (following the mentioned above) under the name @aj_wallace69, Wallace tearfully said: “I’m 22, I do make $100,000 a year, and that’s cool. I wanna act, I wanna do these things, I’m gonna break down right now. I don’t know what to do. I did come up here by myself; I do have a family, but we’re not the closest, and I don’t have close friends.” 

But Logan gave the 22-Year-Old some advice; told him to move to Los Angeles and make connections.

Man Quits His $100,000 Per Year Job To Work For Logan Paul But Gets Turned Down
aj_wallace69 via TikTok

He added: “You know there are millions of people trying to do what I wanna do. Just watch the clip.” Wallace then showed his encounter with Paul, and it showed where Paul asked him, “What are you good at?” Wallace rambled a little about TikTok dances and admitted that he doesn’t have what it takes, after which Paul again asked: “Then why would I give you a job?” 

It was heartbreaking for Wallace and indeed tearfully expressed how he felt on TikTok.


Well here’s the end result with Jake’s brother Idk what to do at this point.

original sound – Austin Wallace

Paul continued: “I can’t be a mentor right now. I’m a f**k up myself. I need a mentor; you know what I’m saying? I didn’t have connections or people around me; I had Jake. Do you have a brother? Do you have friends? You’re a good-looking guy. You have friends, bro. You’re f**ing lying.”

Logan told Wallace he works with a very close-knit team and cannot spare time to mentor.

Man Quits His $100,000 Per Year Job To Work For Logan Paul But Gets Turned Down
aj_wallace69 via TikTok

“Go make content, make stuff with your friends; I’m glad you quit your job, it takes b*lls to do that, but now you gotta activate. I’m not the guy directly. My team is (mimes something very small), we’re locked. Life isn’t about handouts; you’ve gotta work.” He concluded: “I’m serious, that’s it. I’ve always said, if you can talk to someone, you can make it in LA.” 

“I’m glad you quit your job, it takes b*lls to do that, but now you gotta activate,” Paul said.

Man Quits His $100,000 Per Year Job To Work For Logan Paul But Gets Turned Down
aj_wallace69 via TikTok

At the moment, it remains unknown if Wallace will travel to Los Angeles. On the other hand, the video has since attracted over 900k likes and comments. And possibly, if Wallace continues this trend, he might eventually get to hang out with the Paul brothers. Or what do you think?

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