‘Let’s Not’ – Robert Downey Jr. Refuses To Be An Oscar Nomination For Endgame
Seems that the guy is not interested.
Just recently, ‘For Your Consideration’ website was launched in an effort to let voters enjoy screenings of their favorite movies and vote for either the actors, actresses or the movie itself. Of course, they won’t miss this chance to campaign for their record-breaking movie ‘Avengers: Endgame’ in multiple categories.

Naturally, everyone would think that Robert Downey Jr. and co. are entering for Oscar nomination for best actors, actresses, and supporting roles. And naturally as well, people were enraged when RDJ did not appear as one of the nominees.
host of Sirius XM Talk Howard Stern accurately pictured out frustration when it comes to ‘superheroes movies’ and their legibility to be considered masterpieces. “Because it’s a superhero movie they turn [up] their nose at it. The performance is excellent. It’s a totally believable character,” said Stern while interviewing RDJ.
His answer surprised many, “I’m so glad you brought this up because there was some talk about [an Oscar campaign]. And I said, ‘Let’s not.’”
The news that RDJ has rejected may come as a sad one for his co-workers such as director and co-star Jon Favreau. We get to hear more of his thoughts on his co-star RDJ while speaking to Variety.
“He has my vote for sure. I think he was able to discover and explore dimensions of the character over the course of many, many films, which is a bit of its own category. But I have to say that if you look at, especially how it began and how it ended in his performances between the first one and ‘Endgame,’ there was a really thoughtful arc to the character, both in his performance and how all the filmmakers contributed to that character.”
Superhero movies find it hard to break through Oscar nominations for acting although their superb CGI effects are no more doubted. Since RDJ has backed up from the competition as he said, ‘let’s not’, maybe Joaquin Phoenix’s divisive viewers will prove that they can at least have one common interest: exception acting performance?