Johnny Depp Suspected Amber Heard Was Having Affair With James Franco
It had even resulted in an heated conversation.
James Franco, whose film and TV career slowed after many women accused him of sexual harassment, became the subject during Johnny Depp’s cross-examination on April 21 in Fairfax, Virginia. The actor confirmed he suspected or perhaps feared Amber Heard and her co-star in 2015’s The Adderall Diaries were having an affair.
While on the stand, Depp admitted to having a heated conversation with Heard concerning having an affair with him.
The argument allegedly transpired the day before a private flight on 24 May 2014 flew Depp and Heard from Boston to Los Angeles.
As he was interrogated, defense lawyer Ben Rottenborn quoted Depp from an earlier statement about the affair and urged the actor that his response could be “I don’t recall, but it’s highly likely.” But the actor at this time went silent and stammered the word “Yes.” Rottenborn again asked if Heard was judgmental about his alcohol and drug use.
Depp replied, saying, “that was a constant.”
The courtroom then played audio of Depp, who was still cross-examined, groaning in pain, having mixed opioids and alcohol. Shortly after, Rottenborn read aloud an email from Depp to Heard, sent to the Aquaman star the day after their fight. The message begins with: “Once again, I find myself in a place of shame and regret. Of course, I am sorry, I really don’t know why or what happened, but I will never do it again.”
He added: “I want to get better for you and me – I must. My illness somehow crept up and grabbed me. I can’t do it again, I can’t live like that again, and I know you can’t either.”
After reading Depp’s message, Rottenborn shared that Depp then, five days later, texted British actor Paul Bettany, described as his good friend, that he had drunk all night before the flight to Los Angeles, had no food for days and that all he had consumed was powders, referring to cocaine, including whisky, a thousand of red bull, vodka, pills and two bottles of champers.
Quoting the message, Rottenborn again asked Depp, “What do you get? An angry agro-engine in a f**king blackout.
The Pirates of the Caribbean Actor, in response, repeatedly insisted he wasn’t in a blackout. Rottenborn further asked if the two bottles of champagne on the plane, quoting his message to Bettany, referred to the flight between Boston and LA.
Depp again replied: “Yes, it comes just after a thousand cans of red bull.”
Rottenborn continued his interrogation and, at this time, went back to the UK transcript in which Depp was asked if he had been drinking or taking drugs before or during the flight. The actor stated that he doesn’t recall being drunk and added, “Sure, for the purposes of getting through this, let’s say yes –everything you have said – I agree.” Heard’s legal team then played three excerpts from a piece of audio of Depp moaning in pain.
But Depp again responded to the audio, saying: “It sounds like a pained animal and it’s my voice.”
In the last excerpt from the recording, Jerry Judge, Depp’s former security guard, had been heard saying: “I’m going to stay with this f***ing idiot in case he gets sick.” Depp’s attention was not on Jerry’s speech as he stood on his ground when Rottenbron asked if he had gone to Detriot, insisting the recording of the pained noises wasn’t from the flight.