Indian Man Sick Of Getting Rice Every Day, Ordered A Truck Of Rice And It’s Cracking People Up
An unfortunate situation that tackles on negotiation in India.
Nobody likes being sent to get a daily staple every single day. The best we do is do grocery shopping every 3 to 4 days. With the pandemic, most of us probably schedule it once every 2 weeks. So this Indian man thought he’s had enough and want to buy in bulk.
People make mistakes, yeah, but some mistakes should really never be made because you can’t really recover from them. Just like what happened to this man who didn’t get his point across well enough. User @nameshiv decided to live-tweet this event on this thread.
“Wires got crossed” and now we have a whole gem thread revolving the fate of a man and a truck of rice.

Apparently, said lorry would have kind of looked like this.

Asians love their rice. Doesn’t mean that we’re ready to buy a whole truck of them and bath in them like some maniac. This is a predicament for Shiv’s brother-in-law; an entertainment for the rest of the people witnessing on Twitter, however.

It wasn’t just the ridiculously hilarious situations – it was also how Shiv managed to convey the hilarious situation is a befitting author’s skill.

Oh no, that wasn’t the end of the story. Life goes on.