‘I’m 22 & Stuck In The Body Of An 8-Year-Old – Only Creeps Want To Date Me’
Finding Mr. right has been very difficult.
Shauna Rae has stunted growth. It was a side effect of her surviving brain cancer as an infant. And at 3feet, 10inches tall, the 22-Year-Old is frequently mistaken for an eight-year-old even despite appearing on the new TLC reality series titled “I Am Shauna Rae.”
Shauna Rae is frequently mistaken for a child due to her height – 3feet, 10inches.

But the truth is that the 22-year-old is a woman stuck in the body of an 8-year-old.

When at 6months old, Shauna was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer and underwent chemotherapy. Her pituitary gland was rendered almost dormant due to the therapy, and doctors had told her she was done growing and that her bones were fused.
Shauna was diagnosed with brain cancer at six months old and underwent chemotherapy treatment.

But the therapy rendered her pituitary gland almost dormant, meaning that Shauna stopped growing.

“If you were to look at me, you would think I’m just a normal little girl, doing normal little girl things with my fun, crazy family. But the truth is I’m not a little girl. I’m a woman; a 22-year-old woman stuck in the body of an eight-year-old,” Shauna said in the trailer of her reality show which premieres on January 11.
A new TLC series, I Am Shauna Rae follows her as she goes to bars, gets a tattoo, and takes a pole-dancing class.

Shauna feels her parents are too overprotective and tries to assert her independence.

The trailer shows her being told that kids can’t sit at the bar when she tries to order a drink.

The docu-series follows Shauna as she attempts to go to bars, get a tattoo and work out at a gym. During each instance, she gets mistaken for a child. Her appearance has equally made finding Mr. Right extremely difficult. When she met with a blind date, he confessed he thought he was being punk or something after introducing herself.
When she went for a date, the guy admitted he thought he was ‘being punked’ when she introduced herself.

She also got the unexpected from a gym employee who mistook her for a child.

The new series will premiere on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022.

She added: “My relationship status is single. I attract creeps, a**holes, and idiots. It is scary to put myself out there, but you have to put some risk in to get happiness.” In the same trailer, Shauna’s mom tearfully admitted it has been difficult watching her grapple with adulthood. Shauna herself feels her parents are too overprotective.
In the trailer, Shauna’s mother shares that she feels “guilty” that her daughter suffers from stigmas.

And indeed, Shauna’s youthful appearance has made dating extremely difficult.

At a point, her dad gave her the third degree before she headed to a brewery with friends. However, her parents plan on buying her a house with an addition for her to live in. The trailer equally showed her taking pole dance lessons and enjoying some cocktails, just like any other woman her age. While sipping champagne, she said she had been told she was a fun drunk.
But regardless, Shauna is holding out hope as she’s determined to shine.

Watch The Full Trailer Here: