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Idris Elba’s Wife Tested Positive, Explains To Oprah Why She Didn’t Distance Herself From Him


Idris Elba’s Wife Tested Positive, Explains To Oprah Why She Didn’t Distance Herself From Him

“I made the decision to want to be with him and still touch him.”

Last Sunday, Idris Elba’s wife has come out with a positive result on her covid-19 test. This news came out a few days after Idris Elba revealed that he tested positive with the virus.

The couple was previously criticized for having stayed together despite Idris Elba tested positive. Previously, the actor revealed that he suspected he had it after he was together with someone who tested positive. While he self-isolated at home and wait for his test results, his wife remains together with and they were seen together during the announcement video as well.

In order to address the question, the Elba’s appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s show on Apple TV, “Oprah Talks: COVID-19”.

Sabrina said, “I could have made the decision to put myself, maybe, in a separate room or stay away, and I’m sure that people are making those decisions. And they’re tough decisions to make. But I made the decision to want to be with him and, you know, still touch him.”

In addition, Idris also explained that his wife was there with the same suspect and they were practically together all the time until he left for filming. “If I had caught it, she had certainly caught it in that time period, as well,” Idris explained.

He added, “People were right to have highlighted that spatial distancing is important. I think given the context of the video, which was telling the world what has happened to us, we weren’t thinking about that specifically.”

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