Guy Feasts On KFC Wings As He Stands In The Middle Of Vegan Protest
Vegan or no vegan, it’s a free world, people!
A man has hilariously trolled at vegan protesters, eating a giant bucket of KFC chicken wings. In viral footage shared on TikTok, by User Kenjake Lamar, members of the vegan activist group named ‘Cube Of Truth’ were protesting outside Sydney’s Town Hall In Australia.

The mask-wearing activists, according to Daily Mail also hung TV screens around their necks, displaying terrifying videos of animals being slaughtered. Reacting, the unidentified man stood in their middle slowly eating a wing.

Observers could be heard in the video laughing out loud at the prankster as he continued to slowly eat the meat with a straight face, few meters away from the group.
Expectedly, his reaction did spark some negative comments online. Some internet users dubbed him ‘Insensitive, Childish and revealed he lacks empathy. While some said the man was peacefully eating chicken and whether they agree with it or not, he sure deserves his respect and lifestyle.