‘Game of Thrones’ Cast Answering To Questions of ‘Media-Led Hate Campaign’ on ‘Game of Thrones’
Not everyone will like it and at least they didn’t deny that.
It has been two months since ‘Game of Thrones’ concluded with their six-episode season. The successful HBO show managed to captivate viewers into the land of Westeros when dragons breathe fire and romantic family relationship runs rampant. Every character was well-written, deep and was rightly praised as George R. R. Martin best works yet.
Its last season garnered equal love and hate from fans who think it had been ‘rushed’, ‘poorly written’ and filled with set mistakes as well as really dark scenes during ‘The Long Night’ episode. People had to watch the show in dark rooms with the brightness cranked up, as if that doesn’t do poorly on our eyes. Showrunners argued that it was made with ‘cinematic quality’ which they probably didn’t realize that most people watch the show at home and even on their smartphones.

Petitions were made for a remake of the last season. On its penultimate episode, most characters were given conclusive ends with Jon Snow finally killing Daenerys in the last episode who was turning into the Mad Queen.
It wasn’t her death that angered people because, in a much better-written world, it would have brought such great impact to the story. If she hadn’t spent the last 10 minutes claiming King’s Landing with only one dragon, and 6 of it to burn it to ashes.
“I am not here to be Queen of the Ashes.”
And ‘bricarys’ because Jaime and Cersei just had to die from bricks of the Iron Keep.

During Comic-Con panel of the ‘Game of Thrones’, the cast of the show probably never imagined they’d be attending one to answer the massive negative responses of the fans. It was opened with a long clip concluding the show with some of the most memorable moments such as Ned Stark’s beheading and everyone going to their separate ways.
“I don’t regret starting the petition,” Conleth Hill started which invited laughter from everyone in the room in reference to the petition to remake the whole season. Everyone was actually cheering for him to agree to the petition. “We’re very grateful for your fandom over the years and I think this is the reality rather than a media-led hate campaign.”
“It comes to an end it’s gonna piss you off no matter what because it’s the end. If you hated the ending, if you loved the ending, that’s great, just don’t call people names,” in his honest answer to how it feels like to have ‘Game of Thrones’ end.
“I love all my 10 years on ‘Game of Thrones’.”

And to the death of Jaime and Cersei Lannister from falling bricks from Iron Keep, the actor likes how it ended, “I thought it was perfect for him to end in the arms of Cersei, it made sense to me, that’s just my opinion.”
He answered this to which some fans were clearly in disagreement with death by bricks scene.
Oh, also add that everyone had a cup of Starbucks coffee which was a hint to the coffee on the set mistake that has been going on in the last season. While it was pretty unprofessional to not notice a cup of 21th-century drink, the joke was still hilarious for many.
“To all intent and purposes, Westeros is now a surveillance state with Bran being aware of all that people are doing,” Isaac Hempstead-Wright, actor to Bran commented. Cunningham also joked about a spinoff series, “I think the spinoff should be ‘Better Call Davos,’ it’s a thousand dollar idea.”
David Benioff and D.B. Weiss were unable to attend due to schedule conflicts.