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Chet Hanks Says Tom Hanks And Rita Wilson Never Gave Him Allowance


Chet Hanks Says Tom Hanks And Rita Wilson Never Gave Him Allowance

“I’m very privileged, but I wasn’t spoiled.”

Chet Hanks newest YouTube had him talking about growing up as a Hanks. The 31-year-old rapper was known for shows like ‘Shameless’ and ‘Empire’, but some of you might remember him as that one Hanks’ son with his anti-vaxx stance.

Chet shared about how growing up with automatic fame on his status made his life weirdly different from most people.

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To Chet, fame was a “double-edged sword” for him that gave him privileges, but also negativity.

He admits to enjoying a lot of benefits as not just being rich but also being the son of someone with so much fame. He grew up without a “role model” that could tell him to deny the “contempt” that was aimed at him, but says he “wouldn’t change the situation for anything.”

“I’m very blessed. I got to do a lot of cool sh*t that a lot of people don’t get the opportunity to do. I got to travel the world, stay in nice hotels, fly in private planes,” he admits to the perks, before adding the “complicated” other side of being famous.

The ‘White Boy Summer’ singer says fame wasn’t just toxic but had “created a lot of contempt for me.” Because his father was “beloved” and was on his “pedestal” but as a boy who “hadn’t even done anything to deserve any sort of recognition”, it became a poison to him.

“People automatically assumed in general that I would just be a really arrogant, entitled, spoiled brat, even though I really wasn’t.”

“My parents didn’t spoil me, I was never given money or an allowance. I had to work and earn everything that I’ve made. It’s been that way for my entire life.”

“Growing up, if I needed money to go out and have fun with my friends, my dad would be like, ‘Okay, you want some money? Go wash my car. I’ll give you 60 bucks.’ Everything was earned and I’m grateful for that.”

He’s gone to a private school and things really hit hard when he was in high school and college because he was always in a “bubble.” He said public opinions “f***ed me up” really hard.

“That defensive attitude, that chip on my shoulder, that posturing, led me down the wrong path because I felt that I had something to prove.”

“It just led me down a path of self-destruction through my 20s.”

But he’s passed that now that he’s over 30 and shares that he’s “grateful” that he’s “changed” from his past.

“I’ve no longer gone down that self-destructive road, dealing with my anger and resentment by self-destructing, by pleasure-seeking, through partying, drugs, alcohol, substances, everything,” says the man.

“Now I’m just focusing on doing the work and being the best me I can be.”

Watch the full clip below!

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