Adam Sandler Has Signed More Movies With Netflix – Four More To Go
A good chance to explore the drama world.
Adam Sandler is the actor popular for his comedies, but many give him the credit of great acting as well. But Sandler himself seems to never really set his heart to move on to bigger screens, such as acting in more dramatic, less-witty movies.

Sandler has signed to produce four more movies with Netflix, which includes a sequel to ‘Murder Mystery’. The comedic series he did with Jennifer Aniston is loved by fans thanks to his chemistry with his co-star. In fact, Netflix reveals that it was watched 31m times within 72 hours it was released.
It wasn’t like Sandler never got the offer to do dramas – Safdie Brothers had a hard time trying to convince Sandler. But ‘Uncut Gems’ earned him an Oscar Nomination for his role as Howard Ratner. So, we’d never know if Sandler will surprise us with another drama.