26 Weird Things People Found From Grandparents Who Really Kept Their Stuff
Which one was the most interesting for you?
Living in 2020, things of old times are really of great interest to many people. It shows us a lot about life before technology became a major part of every aspect of life. Sometimes, cleaning the attic or basement of our grandparents reveals really surprising things that may be valued way more than we’d imagined.
These people had to share the weird things they found from swords and daggers to glowing housewares, people don’t really use them anymore these days!
A knife I received from a friend. His grandparents had owned it. Seems pretty old and rustic!

This key, why would it open?

Story was that they were old African currency.
A pendant for Abraxas, grandma sounds like a occultist.

This tool used to be from my grandpa. Thinking about pincers but the ‘twisting mechanism’ is odd.

Grandparents’ basement had this.

This collector edition Monopoly set with gold and silver pieces.

This unusual mug with weird surprise inside.

Grandparents got wine from 1911.

Never understood how this creepy mask is hanging on the wall for all these years.

Student found an Underwood from 1930s in really great condition.

Grandparents’ oscilloscope stored in their garage.

Me and neither my dad know what this is.

Fiancé found this in grandparents’ house and it belongs to his great-great-grandfather.

What kind of purpose are these bottles for?

Found this at grandparents’. Has got numbers and weird symbols on top (turns out to be A shrapnel shell).

This tool that people used to use to push food onto their spoon.

This sword in my grandparent’s attic.

Glassware from 1911 made of uranium. The glows when exposed to UV light.

Cleaning grandparents’ house and found a huge turtle shell.

Stuff you only see in museums.

A very antique camera!

Ever wondered how perfume used to be sold commercially?

Grandparents aren’t party animals, what is this tool?

Found in the basement.

This small bottle with really thick liquid inside.