40-Ton Whale Filmed On Camera Jumping Completely Out Of Water Is Crazily Viral
A jumping humpback whale – It’s so rare!
A Scuba diver witnessed a huge humpback whale leaping completely out of the water and filmed the amazing moment on camera.
Craig Capehart and three of his Scuba diving friends were out hunting for sardines along the coast of Pondoland, South Africa, when the large humpback whale breached several times before jumping out of the water.
Estimated at around 40 tons (The Whale), Craig’s and his friends were inside his motorboat when the whale leaped clear out of the water around South Mbotyi in Southeastern Africa.
Usually, Humpback whales are big! In fact, they are enormous. The average weight of a fully grown adult whale is estimated at 36,000kg, the same weight as 24 adult hippos.
Capturing more shots of whales breaching the ocean, the video further reveals a mother and her calf swimming right by their boat, while another whale was equally seen rolling on his backs and slapping his fins on the surface of the water.
Leaping entirely out of the water is common among dolphins and sharks, but Craig revealed it was the 1st time ever he’s seen an adult whale jumping out of the water.
‘It appears that never before recording has been made of an adult humpback whale jumping out of the water! It’s a rare event indeed! Dolphins and White Sharks have severally been seen flying completely out of the water, but this is the first time for an adult humpback whale!’ Craig captioned the shared Video.
More info: YouTube