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Dolphins Family Swims Close Together ‘For Comfort’ Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters


Dolphins Family Swims Close Together ‘For Comfort’ Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters

It’s Really Heartbreaking!

In a heartbroken filmed video, a pod of dolphins was seen planning to comfort themselves before being killed by hunters, and some in captivity.

Recorded in a cove near Taiji, Japan, a group of pilot whales among the largest of the dolphins was collected and held overnight. Viewers from the US Charity Dolphin Project said as the pod awaits their fate, they were seen swimming in a tight circle with the matriarch rubbing up the members of the family.

A species of dolphin – were herded into a cove off the coast of Japan last week. Hunters kept them overnight

Dolphins Family Swims Close Together 'For Comfort' Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters

Occurred on September 10th, the divers on the next day went into the water where they gathered a total of 8 of the animals into captivity. While the rest got killed.

The mother who had spent the night before comforting her brood was among the ones killed. She was seen floating in the water before hauling away. Becoming a norm, every September beginning until late February, the port of Taiji experiences the same scenario. Dolphins are legally hunted in some countries. Government permits fishermen to legally hunt for them.

Viewers from the US Charity Dolphin Project said as the pod awaits their fate, they were seen swimming in a tight circle

Dolphins Family Swims Close Together 'For Comfort' Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters

Occurred on September 10th, the divers on the next day went into the water where they gathered a total of 8 of the animals into captivity, while the rest got killed.

Dolphins Family Swims Close Together 'For Comfort' Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters

Hunters use a metal pole inserted into the water and attack with hammers in a bid to create sounds that will confuse the animals and bring them into a cove. Afterward, the entrance to the inlet is closed with nets, giving divers the chance to go into the water to either capture or kill the creatures.

For the period of 2019/2020, fishermen in Taiji have been given a quota of 1,749  dolphins. Included are 101 short-finned pilot whales they are allowed to slaughter and capture.  

Some of the dolphins were dragged underneath plastic tarps

Dolphins Family Swims Close Together 'For Comfort' Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters
Dolphins Family Swims Close Together 'For Comfort' Got Slaughtered By Japanese Hunters

Annually, fishermen are given a chance by the Japanese Fisheries Agency Authorities to capture or kill over 16,000 cetaceans. However, it remains unclear how many whales have been caught since July.

The shocking video of dolphins being killed and captured in Japan

Source: Dailymail

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