30 People Shared Hilariously Worst Microwave Fails
It’s not a dryer. It’s not for disinfecting.
The microwave has saved a lot of people time and, sometimes, from starvation. When you can make rice, noodles and reheat your quick lunch boxes within 5 minutes, who can part from a microwave ever again? It is one of the greatest appliances to have ever been invented.
However, it’s also dangerous when you don’t learn the basics of what NOT to put in a microwave… and how long to heat them up for.
While these fails didn’t end up with any severe injuries (except for a few melted plastic containers, dirty microwaves, and broken mugs), make sure to always stay safe. Be especially wise and smart about letting your kids near the microwave.
Friend’s husband tried drying his clothes in the microwave.

In case you’re wondering, no, it doesn’t work.

This guest used the hotel’s microwave to give his phone’ a quick charge’. Fire alarm ensued.

Wanted to heat up some coffee, tried to grab and pour it and…

Saved $150 by instally the microwave on my own.

Burnt my hand while taking out the tomato soup because the toaster popping scared me.

I heard you can charge your phone in the microwave. My charger broke and the batter was low, so…

I microwaved my McDonald’s fries for 30 minutes (instead of 30 seconds).

Daughter microwaved her syrup for waffles… for 5 minutes.

It has been a good life.

Friend couldn’t figure out what was in their microwave. It was a slice of pizza.

Someone put ghost pepper popcorn in the industrial microwave at work for 5 minutes and black smoke burnt people’s eyes, we had to moved.

Mom microwaved… something… for 75 minutes instead of 75 seconds.

Forgot about the fork in the box while microwaved.

Microwaved a spoon.

Convinced wife the Jalapeño dip container can be microwaved.

When you microwave a sandwich for 5 instead of 4 minutes.

Told the kid to make his own snack, so he put the egg in the microwave for 11 minutes.

Mom microwaved the birdseed to disinfect them to put away, but accidentally made tiny popcorn.

He forgot to put water in the cup noodles.

I microwaved dad’s brand new cellphone 17 years ago. I was 3.

Someone tried sanitizing these in the microwave and took them to the bank.

Friend’s client paid in cash, so he tried microwaving them to remove virus traces.

No idea how this happened and it took quite a force to pull the cup down.

Someone microwaved CAD5000 to ‘disinfect’ them.

Underboiled egg? No, it doesn’t go into the microwave.

Hot cheetos?

Was cooking breakfast for everyone when the microwave’s door suddenly fell out.

Brownie outta the cup.

This is what happens when a foil is put in the microwave.