30 Horror Stories By Ben Chen With Unexpectedly Creepy Endings
This will send chills to your spine.
Horror naturally captures many of our imaginations, and YES, it’s inevitable. Ben Chen, a Taiwanese artist, has been illustrating eerie horror comic tales with unexpected humorous twists that captivate the minds of lovers of spooky things. Ben has attracted over 4K followers on Flickr, and he describes his drawing style as dark, hilarious, and full of imagination. The artist is a massive fan of movies and enjoys how his imagination lets him create something out of nothing.
At first glance at Ben’s drawing, you can instantly tell he is a man with a great sense of humor. In addition, Ben can be poetic and sometimes goes deep with his artworks, majorly inspired by the things around him or by his own experiences. With Halloween being celebrated worldwide, some dark stuff from the art universe isn’t a bad idea, and so we’ve collated some of Ben’s newest to help you get into the spooky spirit. Do brace up but enjoy them!
More Info: Flickr |



























