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30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal


30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

They should be jailed for these.

As far as we know, nobody has been killed by these… questionable designs. It is either the designers who hated the people who hired or will live there, or they really don’t care anymore. These are definitely not heeding to safety guidelines or even common sense. Carpeted bathroom? Really?

Of course, one’s upbringing might have affected how one views things. But we’ll never know nor guess just what kind of life you have been living to want your whole bedroom covered in mirrors. Is a life full of nightmares? They say a person’s heart can be seen from the art they do. How dark was your life?

Anyways people could see just how ridiculous these are and shared them on ‘Crappy Design’ and ‘ATBGE (Awful Taste But Great Execution) subreddits. The purpose of these subreddits is similar in that they focus on horrible designs that make you want to move out ASAP. They also low-key warn designers on what NOT to do. Social media can be a very brutally honest place, after all.

“A shower designed to be as hard to stand in as possible.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal
Djuna Ivereigh

“I think my stairs fit here.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“I can just imagine the whole house shaking like crazy.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Can’t stop thinking about this sink.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Kitchen design.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

Gendered, separated bathtubs because… you’re a married for over a decade now.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Middle class fridge. Lower class aesthetic.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

Bog Standard. Clean handle for lifting up seat.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal
Henry Franks

“New kitchen style.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“All it needs is a juke box and a soda fountain.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Why is there wood separating the hallway? In half?”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“My friend’s under-the-stairs “bathroom” where the toilet is diagonal and partially installed into the carpeted wall.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

When you want to feel like a king sometimes.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“You guys hate carpet in the bathroom? My parents have a bathroom with carpet that goes up the bathtub walls! Bonus points for the terrible wallpaper.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Up the drain it goes.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“It’s not a mirror, it’s a doorway.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Who says crown molding is overdone?”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

Perfect to lose some sleep.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Steps that you can’t see.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

Heading towards your bed. Might as well add ‘death’ as your destination point.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Yup, the fridge fit boss.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“This single square inch of raised carpet complete with lining.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“I almost fell down and rolled my ankle on this.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Today my mom hit her toe with this and was bleeding.. I hate this kitchen so much.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“My friend just finished a kitchen remodel.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“Imagine the scrubber you’d need for that bad boy.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“My uncle’s house got a bathroom without a door, literally the first thing you see when you enter the house.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

That designer must really hate the owner.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

How to uncomfortable while washing hands.

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

“This shower has blinds instead of curtains.”

30 Hilariously Worst Interior Designs That Are Borderline Lethal

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