30 Breathtaking Pics That Will Leave You Wondering About Our World
These are such rare sights!
The world, no… the universe itself is a wonderful thing that no human can ever fully understand. Even after years of research, using the most advanced technology, we could only understand so much. But then, we don’t need to fully understand something to be in awe of what we’re looking at. Yet, a seemingly normal, boring picture can have such an emotional story behind them.
Here are pictures that will add or change your perspective of life and the world for the better.
Los Angeles without smog.

The endangered Mexican alligator lizard.

Blood red moon ‘leaking’ into the waterfall.

Small guy getting ready to begin his adventure!

Rover Opportunity that was sent to Mars died 15 years later after a 90-day mission in 2004.

If Jupiter was in the same distance to us as the moon.

Turtle waking up from its brumation (similar to hibernation).

This perfect avocado.

When rivers collide. Geneva, Switzerland.

Modern tomato next to one grown from a 150-year-old seed.

Looking at the moon with ultraviolet and infrared filters.

People wasted about 45kgs of food yesterday.

This tree was saved after it was partly burned.

This ancient Greenland shark which is about 392 years old and has been around since 1627.

Squeezing the entire universe that we could observe into a single image.

Giant sequoias can have its trunk grow as wide as 26 ft in diameter and live up to 3,000 years old.

Same spot at the same time from different months.

Satisfying cable management.

If we look at a smooth piece of paper under the microscope.

This hotel sends a refrigerating robot butler when you order snacks.

The same ski trail sign during summer and winter.

A 128-GB USB storage vs. 138.23-MB worth of diskettes.

Gold and silver, both worth $5000.