22 Celebrities Who Blocked People For The Weirdest Reasons Ever
From slightly kinky wishes to… a total stranger?
To have a healthy social media life, one must understand that you can’t satisfy everyone out there. When you have a huge platform with millions of followers, there are bound to be heartless users that type hurtful comments or spam promotions under your posts. The best course of action in these moments is often to delete and block them.
But there are also moments when people don’t understand why they got blocked. At least, their comments don’t seem to be so rude that it warrants a reporting or being blocked by the account. But hey, we can’t really know everything that triggers someone, right?
A Reddit user asked people, “Which celebrity has blocked you on social media and why?” Turns out, aside from rude comments, there are also celebrities who blocked for reasons you’ll never understand.
“Kelly Ripa. The best part is I worked for her studio at ABC for years and was never caught trolling her. She is actually a pretty decent human being but has made life annoying at times.” – 725M4
“Caitlyn Jenner for reminding her of the millions she spent on anti-LGBT politicians.” – TenebrousGent
“Bo Burnham and I don’t know why. I tweeted at him three times back in 2018 about being excited and then how much I liked ‘Eighth Grade’ and I only found out he blocked me after I saw everyone sharing his announcement for his new show. Broke my heart, I love his work. I bought his poetry book.” – sycarte
“Trump. I sent him a Barack Obama virtual birthday card.” – EddieAllenPoe
“Chance the Rapper blocked me after his latest album came out because I commented, “this sh** is dookie”. About 600 likes on the comment in an hour. Then I was blocked. Still blocked.” – yungbelk
“I told Joel Osteen he was a fake *ss Christian for only opening his church to flood victims after he was pressured.” – Bendoza
“Many years ago, I did a REALLY bad photoshop of Bill Murray and me by the Hollywood sign. Posted it on his Facebook, and I was blocked. I still love you Billy…” – auntlola
“Not me because I don’t really use Twitter, but my husband was blocked by Billy Zane because my husband drew a picture of Billy Zane wiping mustard on his face with bratwurst on a fork. It was a pretty good likeness. What a tit.” – lnfective
“Kirstie Alley. I’m social media connected to some vocal ex-cult members. Very strange to be blocked by someone you’ve never tweeted at. Found out when I tried to.” – pumpernickel34
“My brother was blocked by Josh Peck on Twitter. Josh posted a weird Chipotle ad he did and my brother commented, “wtf are you doing?” – Firestarhk
“Bobby Flay! I tweeted that he looked like Randy from peewees playhouse :/” – Awkward_Truth4703
“Snooki and I have absolutely no idea why. I never and I mean ever comment on celebrities IG’s so I have no idea where it came from.” – CGSkens
“Kevin Hart. I said/typed pineapple 1727 times.” – peanutsfordarwin
“Jeffree Star once blocked me on MySpace because I kept leaving comments on his page saying things like, “Hey man, great party last night!” to get random fans of his to send me friend requests. After maybe the third time, he responded angrily telling me to stop and blocked me from leaving comments.” – BonesyDekay
“William Shatner. I tweeted him “What’s goin’ on, Slick Willy?”. Apparently, he does not like being called Slick Willy lmao.” – SteveTheHitman
“Jameela Jamil. She kept apologizing for a past insensitive thing she said about a group of people. After the fourth or fifth time, I said something to the effect of “We get it. You don’t have to keep apologizing.” She said “F**k off” and blocked me.” – GullyplugDavis
“Gordon Ramsay. I was thirteen and in a dumb group chat with my friends on Twitter, someone in it was followed by him so they added him to it. He ended up blocking half of us (rightfully tbh). Also, I messaged him asking if I could be on Masterchef because I could make good ramen noodles and I think that also caused it.” – equivalentofagiraffe
“Anthony Bourdain and I got into a heated discussion on “humane fois gras” that lasted a few days until he blocked me.” – VikingBlade
“Hailey Bieber. I called her out on her racist past after she posted about online hate once again on insta.” – ummidkman
“Dane Cook blocked me on Twitter. He tweeted something along the lines of, “Sometimes no matter what you do, you can’t win.” And I replied, “Did you make another movie?” Insta-blocked.” – igivefreetickles
“When the news first broke about Bill Cosby, I tweeted at him that he deserved jail for life. Apparently, people don’t like to hear that about themselves, so he blocked me.” – toriam126
“Dr. Phil has me blocked on Instagram for commenting ‘I wanna run my teeth through your mustache.'” – danimalscrunchers