How important are likes, shares, and views to you? Some people feel gratified and satisfied when they see positive comments. Is it wrong? No, that’s what human beings had long enjoyed even before the Internet existed. Socialites would flaunt what they have and seek approvals from others.
Actually, who wouldn’t love to see others complimenting how cute their newborn baby boy is? It’s normal to feel happy about these things.
But there are those so hooked to that juice bursts when they rake in likes. Thousands of them, thousands of approvals, hundreds of love emojis, and people raining them with compliments like ‘queen,’ ‘king,’ and ‘inspiration.’ So much so they are willing to go through insane lengths to achieve that. Breaking their legs, killing animals, trampling on gardens and lawns…
Don’t. Don’t do that.
“What the actual f*** was she trying to accomplish by posting this?”
“Using real reaction of divorce for views.”
“Instagrammers are ruining California’s super bloom.”
“When you adopt 7 kids. And use them as trained pets to make money on Youtube.”
A few thousand likes price was two legs.
Is gender reveal really worth all that risks?
Guy filled a river with soap and destroyed the ecosystem for TikTok and he thinks this is funny.
“This girl makes TikTok videos of her forcibly hugging, touching or trapping Korean men. This is not okay behavior. In all videos the men are visibly uncomfortable and try to get away from her, she either follows them or will not let go of them… if the roles were reversed there would be outrage.”
“There’s about to be a body reported.”
“Not my grandma?”
Sounds like sound judgment by the officials.
“This guy spray painting rocks in Yosemite.”
“Cute girl… Cute caption… wait…”
” Russian model risking her life for an Instagram picture.”
“These kids were absolutely not interested in making the “saving African kids with my presence” pose for Instagram.”
“Dude is flexing his Louis Vuitton bag on Auschwitz train tracks.”
Restaurants shouldn’t be letting customers do this.
“This woman stomped all over the plants in this Conservatory despite staff repeatedly asking her to stop to get ‘Instagram Model’ shots. The area she is in is off limits.”
“Going hiking.”
He’s quick in dispelling hoax.
“His beautiful flower field got trampled by tourists.”
“These tourists killing a baby dolphin for selfies.”
Please clean up after yourself.
“Parents in China drag their child on edge of hill just to take photos.”
“Apparently an industrial car wash hurts human flesh.” (In fact, it can be lethal.)
Right, that’s enough views from you. NEXT.
“Sexually assaulting men for TikTok.”
“Cutting your sons hair and making him cry for a TikTok prank.”